alhamdulillah..salah satu aktiviti yang bolahla dikatakan aktiviti winter break telah selesai dijalani..elemen ukhuwah memang sangat penting disini.tahniah pada kakak2 yang penat lelah mengusahakan program Festival Ukhuwah Siswi 2010 (FAWAS 10)..
Banyak aktiviti dijalankan seperti acapella, pentomen, choral speaking, pyramida, sukaneka dan lain2 lagi..
ya Allah, geram gle dgn dak ni..kalau aku tengok je dak ni lame2, nanti anak aku jd comel cmni jgk x???
bagi aku, festival ini banyak mengajar aku pelbagai benda,pelbagai kemahiran dan pelbagai permainan sukaneka. TAHNIAH BUAT AKU!!
some notes for you...
HMM, girls..can you see that?
it is make sense???the chef supposed to serve an ish batotis (name roti di mesir)
but, what did she get for us???
she get the chipsy and rotato..
hear me, it is just like cooking a dish..If we put and mix the right and suitable ingredients, we will get the meal or dish that we really want..
That's goes the same in ukhuwah,
if we put some respects to the 'oldder', love to the 'smaller', a little bit of kindness and a wholesome happiness,
the meal of ukhuwah is raedy to be served...~tafaddholi~
so, take care dear friends and sisters...
pssstt...kwn2 medic, ukhuwah kte ckup mant0p kn..???ehehe

yeay yaaaa!!semalam gi abbas..and i got this!!hihi
That's goes the same in ukhuwah,
if we put some respects to the 'oldder', love to the 'smaller', a little bit of kindness and a wholesome happiness,
the meal of ukhuwah is raedy to be served...~tafaddholi~
so, take care dear friends and sisters...
pssstt...kwn2 medic, ukhuwah kte ckup mant0p kn..???ehehe
yeay yaaaa!!semalam gi abbas..and i got this!!hihi
akhirnya, tiba juga masa yang kita nanti-nantikan.tarikh keramat esok (20/2/2010), tarikh masuk kembali ke kuliah..doakan saye ye..
notakukukaki...isyqi=cintaku,keasyikanku,kerinduanku...haaa???ape lg???
ak blum msuk skola lg.
pe tu bamiah dan bazinjan???
selang bpe ari je....
bamiah = bendi
bazinjan = terung...
firqah utk family day
terung setawu ak org cni pggil 'bringel' ala2 brinjal dlm bhs omputeh..tade acara tuk siswa ke?haha
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