~AhlaN wa SaHLaN~

"HarDsHip aLways coMe to those wHo have tHe abiLity to enDure thEm. Just as tHe gooD qualiTies are tO be fOunD in tHe honouReD peOpLe. A minOr tHing miGht seeM GREAT in the eyes of a minor persOn. Just as a greaT thing seemS minor in tHe eyeS oF a GREAT person" -Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi-

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


new day, new life, new story..

tiba-tiba teringin...

tangan aku agak2 mcm ni gk ke nanti??


khaliesahkamal said...

hah..dak medic, sat lg..

siti-situ-sana-sini said...

da terketar2 tgn ni nk pegang pena, pensel tekan colour pencil blek..