assalamualaikum..yeah, real new story for the fans of Bella Swan and the gorgeous Edward Cullen..the sequel of THE TWILIGHT SAGA: new moon will be in cinema this november, guys dont miss it..and for those who are the dont-step-in-the-cinema people, just wait for the released on CDs or DVDs...wee~~

in THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON,Bella Swan is devastated by the abrupt departure of her vampire love, Edward Cullen but her spirit is rekindled by her growing friendship with the irresistible Jacob Black. Suddenly she finds herself drawn into the world of werewolf, ancestral enemies of the vampires and finds her loyalties tested. Danger in different forms await...
watch the trailler now!!new moon trailer in youtube [click here]
nice story..siyesly..
ceitt..twilight konon..hak
kita pegi library ni..hehe
rindu aja..sayang aja taw..
ada kredit call kita k..
looking foward for it..
keen to watch it wif nextgen..hak..
but, sriously i hate d wolfie.. who's his name?
forgot already....
nmpknye sy la yg dpt tw psl cter ni dlu..har3
proud of maself...
eh nextgen,
org bru je tgk twilight..
haha..x sngke plak best..
then,excited plak nk te smbungannye..
setuju..nice story..
tira,da xde keje dok umh selain masak, mop lntai, sidai baju..bla3
pe lagi, lyn jiwang la..hahakkk
u shoulh try next tym when u,r free..
aiya syazwan..
xkn sorg je kot kwnnye??
org len??
wolfie??jacob black??
tough tu...
tp, edward ttp no 1 la..=p
how come u forgot his name??
he's jacob laaa...
da hensem laa skang jacob tuu...
for me...
lg hensem daripada edward...
jacob VS edward...
rindunye kat die....!!!!
ble nk sambung blaja tu...
nak tnggu orang pinang...
2-2 x ensem..ayah kte lg ensem la..hahakk
kte insyaAllah amek medic..heh
rndu kt kte??
hahaha..kte pon rndu kt nor..
klu free dtg la umah kte ngn tira..
ceit, mne nye org nk pinang
not really qualified lg lah..
tp en,
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